Comparative Literature Program Senior Theses Presentations
Seniors Fabrizio Lopez Cochachi, Matthew Skrod and Tiffany Chang defended their theses on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 4:30 pm, Dartmouth Hall 104. Congratulations to all!
[more]Seniors Fabrizio Lopez Cochachi, Matthew Skrod and Tiffany Chang defended their theses on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 4:30 pm, Dartmouth Hall 104. Congratulations to all!
[more]Eleven graduate students presented their essays, May 13 & 15 & May 20, 2024. Congratulations on a job well done.
[more]Summer 2024: COLT 57.10/ASCL 70.18*Social Revolutions East and West: Japan and America in the 1960s. Professor James Dorsey's research probes the intersection of culture and politics—and fosters a creative approach to translation in this course.
[more]Professor Lada Kolomiyets, translations of Halyna Kruk, Lviv, Ukraine and two other women-poets' work were published online by international poetry journal and platform Versopolis.
[more]Alyissa Noseworthy '24, minor in translation, is awarded a Fulbright. She is majoring in romance studies, French and Spanish. Noseworthy will be teaching English in Belgium and hopes to be "honing my skills as an ESL teacher and learning more about the Walloon language and culture."