COLT Major
The major is administered by the Comparative Literature Steering Committee. Students design their major plan in consultation with an advisor and the Chair, and must fill out an application form, available on the COLT website, describing their major, as well as the online declaration on DartWorks. All applications to the major must be approved by the Steering Committee. Major cards can be signed only by the Chair. Students interested in becoming majors should consult the Chair well in advance of their intended declaration of a major.
Prerequisite for the major: COLT 001 or any from among the COLT 10's.
Required courses: any from among the COLT 72's, COLT 85, and, for honors majors writing a thesis only, COLT 87.
COLT 85 (Senior Seminar) is required to fulfill the culminating experience requirement for students who do not meet the honor requirements, and COLT 85 and COLT 87 (Thesis Tutorial) for students meeting honors requirements.
Major Requirements:
Students have two options for structuring their additional eight courses:
A. Comparative study of literature and culture in two languages.
This typically includes 2-4 Comparative Literature courses above COLT10, fluency in one language (3-4 upper-level courses, normally not English), and competence in a second language (1-2 upper level courses). When filling out the major forms any attachments please upload them as a separate document.
B. Comparative study of literature and culture in one language (normally not English) and one other non-literary discipline (e.g. music, film, art, history, geography, physics, etc.).
This typically includes 2-4 Comparative Literature courses above COLT10, fluency in one language (3-4 upper-level courses), and substantive preparation in a non-literary discipline (3-4 upper level courses).