COLT Translation Studies Minor

The Minor in Translation Studies

Translation Studies

Translation Studies is an interdisciplinary area within the humanities that incorporates the study of the theory of translation with the practice of translation from one language to another. Translation (distinct from interpretation) refers to written work encompassing a full spectrum of genres, from literary translation of prose and poetry, to translation of texts referred to as informational, such as manuals, legal briefs, and other commercial or professional documentation. Students in the Translation Studies minor at Dartmouth will engage in an examination of literary translation from multiple perspectives that provide them with an educational pathway toward the acquisition of general and specific knowledge about the field of Translation Studies, its history, evolution, theories, and practice. 

The Minor in Translation consists of six courses:

  • Prerequisite course: COLT 001 or COLT 10
  • Three courses focused on translation: COLT 19.01 and two others in COLT or other departments as approved
  • Two upper-level courses in one language (other than English)

In the academic year 2024-25, we recommend:

  • COLT 19.01 Translation: Theory and Practice - Wyatt, Winter 25
  • COLT 19.07 Translating East Asian Languages - Dorsey, Spring 25

Coursework in this Minor may not duplicate work counted towards other majors or minors. Only grades of 'B' and above may count toward the minor.