Ted Baehr '69
"Education comes of course from the Latin “to lead out of darkness” into the light of the truth, which is exactly what the original Comparative Literature Department did."
[more]"Education comes of course from the Latin “to lead out of darkness” into the light of the truth, which is exactly what the original Comparative Literature Department did."
[more]After completing her M.A. in Comparative Literature at Dartmouth, Genevieve went on to spend a year teaching English in France and will be beginning a PhD in Comparative Literary Studies at Northwestern University in the Fall '08.
[more]I am currently living in Indiana with my husband of two years, Adam. I use my Comparative Literature degree every day, by helping children to value reading and writing, as well as high quality literature and poetry. The research and writing skills I gained at Dartmouth--especially the ability to organize and edit my writing--have been enormously useful in writing grants and articles, and creating programming. I've found that having the name "Dartmouth" on my resume has opened many doors for me, both in teaching positions related to my Com Lit major, and in my new filed of arts administra
[more]My MA thesis is going to be published later this year by Cambridge Scholars Publishing Newcastle UK. It will be in a compilation of essays entitled: "REVOLUTIONS: Mapping Culture, Community and Change. July 2009, Duncan is at UCLA getting his PhD in Comparative Literature.
[more]Todd Foley, '07, is in the Ph.D. Program at NYU in East Asian Studies.