COLT Senior Theses Presentations

Seniors Hannah Kadin and Pumho Karimi successfully defended their theses on May 25, 2023. Congratulations.

Hannah Kadin

Apocalyptic Surpluses

Antonio Gomez,  Associate Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature
Colleen Boggs, Parents Distinguished Research Professor in the Humanities, Professor of English

Pumho Karimi

Postcolonial Intertextual Hauntology: Exploring Legacies of Enlightenment Thought on Postwar Understanding of the Human in Heart of Darkness and Hunter x Hunter

Dennis Washburn, Professor of Comparative Literature, Asian Societies Cultures and Languages, & Film Studies 
Ayo Coly,  Class of 1925 Professorship, Professor, Comparative Literature & African and African American Studies, Research Associate,  The University of Johannesburg