Justine Casell '81
"I use my Comp. Lit degree every day. In fact, just yesterday I was telling a colleague how the close study of texts taught me a disciplined approach to data — to stick close to what is in the text."
[more]"I use my Comp. Lit degree every day. In fact, just yesterday I was telling a colleague how the close study of texts taught me a disciplined approach to data — to stick close to what is in the text."
[more]"I've often had occasion to think back fondly on my variegated comp. lit. major at Dartmouth (German, music, some French and Italian, assorted poetry and drama) — which distinctly paved the route to later career developments."
[more]"I loved my Comp Lit major." I worked with Peter Bien on a thesis on Joyce and Mann — a terrific professor whom I still correspond with.
[more]"For me, comparative literature was a direct springboard to a career that I have found intellectually stimulating."
[more]"For me it was a life choice, not a career choice. I chose Comp Lit because it allowed me to delve into all the Big Questions; because it was explicitly multi-lingual and multi-cultural; because I could include anthropology, political philosophy, psychology, and religion courses in my program; because it was the edgiest of the humanities at the time. All those interests remain as intensely alive as they were then, though more have come along — art history, architecture, urban planning, economics."