Ayo A. Coly Class of 1925 ProfessorshipProfessor, Comparative Literature & African and African American Studies
Lawrence D. Kritzman Pat and John Rosenwald Research Professor in the Arts and SciencesProfessor of French and Comparative Literature
Roopika Risam Chair, Film & Media StudiesAssociate Professor, Film and Media Studies & Comparative Literature
Silvia Spitta Robert E. Maxwell 1923 Professor of Arts and SciencesProfessor of Spanish and Comparative Literature
Michelle R. Warren Senior Advisor for Faculty Development, Diversity, and Inclusion – Arts and SciencesMary Brinsmead Wheelock Professor of Comparative Literature
Dennis Charles Washburn Professor of Comparative Literature, Asian Societies Cultures and Languages, & Film StudiesBurlington Northern Foundation Professor in Asian Studies in Honor of Richard M. Bressler '52
Yiren Zheng 鄭怡人 Postdoctoral Fellow, Society of FellowsDepartment of Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages
Rebecca Elizabeth Biron Director of Leslie Center for the HumanitiesProfessor, Spanish and Portuguese. Joint Title in Comparative Literature
Beatriz Pastor Professor of Spanish and Comparative LiteratureSpanish and Portuguese Comparative Literature Latino American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies
Andrea Tarnowski Chair, Department of French and ItalianAssociate Professor of French and Comparative Literature
Michael McGillen Assistant Professor of German StudiesAssociated Faculty Member in Comparative Literature
Roberta L. Stewart Professor of Classical StudiesAffiliated Faculty History, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)
Miya Qiong Xie Associate Professor of Chinese and Comparative East Asian Literature in the Department of Asian Societies, Cultures and LanguagesAffiliated Faculty in the Comparative Literature Program
William Cheng Chair and Professor | Department of MusicAffiliate Faculty, African and African American Studies | Comparative Literature | Film & Media Studies
Matteo Gilebbi Senior Lecturer, Dept. of French and ItalianAffiliated Faculty, Comparative Literature Progr.
Lynn A. Higgins Interim Chair, Film & Media Studies (winter 2025)Edward Tuck Professor of French Emerita
Margaret Williamson Associate Professor Emerita of ClassicsAssociate Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature