Dartmouth Events

Graduate Master's Essay Presentations

Yan Liu, Tetiana Savchynska, Varol Kahveci, Evan Strouss and Yihong Zhu presenting

5 pm – 8 pm
Bartlett 201
Intended Audience(s): Alumni, Faculty, Postdoc, Staff, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Yan Liu
Cracking the Old China: Karl Marx and the
Chinese Civil War

Tetiana Savchynska
Translation as Manipulation: How Playboy
Transformed a Pushkin Poem into an Artifact of
the Cultural Cold War

Varol Kahveci
Against Hybridity: The Pull of Home and the Fragmentation of Body in Elefanten im Garten and Au Pays
Evan Strouss
Political Phlebotomy: The Poetics and Politics of
Blood in Giambattista Marino’s La strage degli

Yihong Zhu
Mapping the Streets of London: Location and
Dislocation in Early Dickens

For more information, contact:
Carol Bean-Carmody

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.